"Children are dumb to say how hot the day is. But they feel it". That is to say that, small children are far more effective in perceiving things than adults. So we should try to be an asset to enhance their cognitive, psychomotor as well as affective domains making the optimum use out of their perception through our genuine involvement in the teaching-learning process. In accordance with the educational psychologist, Thorndike children learn through trial and error. In this process, they succeed in their attempt of learning and moreover it's a prolonged process. The most celebrated distinguished Elizabethan dramatist, William Shakespeare says and I quote, "Art is long; Life is short". Therefore, we, the members of Friends AID decided to assist the untrained teachers with a proper guidance and awareness with regard to the modern innovative instructional methodologies which can turn a searchlight on the dark areas of primary teaching-learning process in Maldives. In this process, we selected Kudafari Madhrasa which requires the involvement of new teachers to cater to the educational needs of the students of the school mentioned.
About the Workshop
The Friends AID aims at gaining recognition for the untrained teachers who seek help to improve their styles of teaching. We had the pleasure of giving the opportunity for twelve untrained teachers to take part in this workshop. The workshop was conducted for two weeks commencing from 21st March, 2008 to 03rd. April 2008. The workshop focused on the most significant features of primary instructional process. Throughout the workshop, the VSO facilitators illustrated the process of planning lessons based on the criteria of setting objectives, the implementation of objectives to be achieved at the end of each lesson. The teacher trainees were given ample theoretical knowledge regarding the internationally accepted standard formats of preparing lesson notes. It's a truth acknowledged in general that more often students do not maintain discipline in their classroom in case the lesson is not presented by the teacher in a very effective way. In some European countries, the teachers are totally accountable for the students' academic achievements. In this process, the language games and all types of games with regard to the other subjects such as Maths were found to be useful to the teacher trainees.
Characteristic Features
It is believed that character is language and language is character. In other words, anyone may imitate the habits and practices of a certain community when we gradually learn their language. For instance, any person may have the tendency to imitate the gestures, the accent and the manners of English people when learning English. In this case, we were in a position to pave the way for our teacher trainees to see the manners and listen to the accent of a native speaker of English throughout their workshop. We believe that it was an asset to our new teachers and they were filliped by the activities conducted. Not only the teachers but also the students enjoyed a very interesting couple of weeks with the Australian facilitators.
In the same way, the activities that the teachers brought to their classrooms were very much result-oriented. We got a general impression that the students spontaneously involved in activities and they didn't know their time passed by. In the real sense of the word, the students' pace of acquisition of the subject matter was comparably higher when the lesson was presented using colourful teaching aids and games etc. There's a saying that, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It's with great pleasure we note that students learnt the complex concepts of mathematics while playing various types of games.
It's noteworthy that, each child is a different individual. Therefore, teacher should pay attention on each individual. It was quite implicit that the language games and other teaching strategies could focus on all the students. Further, teacher's sole responsibility is to support the slow learners as well as the fast learners while keeping an eye on the average children. The objectives should be set with a proper understanding with regard to the average students in the class. In this process, the needs of all types of students will be catered to. As a result of this, students get the impression that their teacher is for all the students. This paves the way for the students to be enthusiastically involved in the learning process. The need of attending to each and every child was insisted by the facilitators often.
Moreover, according to the educational psychologist, Pavlo , reinforcement is the main way to improve the students' acquisition levels. It was emphasized in the workshop that the slow learners as well as the gifted children should be reinforced in different ways. The students definitely show more interest towards learning when they are constantly encouraged by their teacher even for a minor achievement.
Another strong characteristic feature of the workshop was the observation of lessons by the VSO facilitators. The facilitators always enjoyed observing the teachers' lessons and giving feedback throwing light on the drawbacks and appreciating the strengths of the lessons presented. It was a very effective way of practicing the teaching methodologies discussed in the workshop. The teacher trainees made it a point not to repeat the same weaknesses.
"I have not seen who is more dedicated than Friends' AID" says the Facilitator
"All is well that ends well". The workshop on effective teaching came to an end with its closing ceremony held on 3rd. April. 2008. The programme commenced after reciting the Holy Qur'an with the blessings of the Almighty. It was followed by the welcome speech delivered by the chairperson of the Friends AID, Mr. Ali Shameem Mohamed giving an overall outlook of the whole workshop. Further he stressed the vital role that can be played by the parents as well as the community in promoting their children's education. Following his speech, the Australian facilitator addressed the gathering complementing the contribution and the attempt made by Friends AID to promote the skills and the awareness of the teacher trainees as the responsibility of moulding students has been remaining in the core of the role of primary teacher by saying "I have not seen who is much dedicated than these". The facilitator added that the teacher trainees of Kudafari had been so cooperative with him throughout the workshop. Finally, the teacher trainees were awarded with certificates of participation while the facilitator was awarded with a certificate appreciating his genuine involvement in the workshop. The certificates were awarded by the Islam teacher Mr. Abdulla Shareef. The two weeks' workshop on effective teaching came to an end in a very amicable and enjoyable way where every one enjoyed a meal together cherishing the sweet memories of the workshop.
Editor's Note: Pictures of Closing Ceremony are below under the title "Workshop on Effective Teaching and Learning: Closing Ceremony"