Sunday, March 30, 2008
Teachers’ Workshop Resumes
Both the volunteers facilitating Friends’ AID workshop on ‘Effective learning and teaching’ left Kudafari, Thursday, 27th March 2008, afternoon. They have been doing workshops for teachers and helping them to improve their teaching skills for the past one week.
Nicholas Try has returned to Kudafari on 30 March 2008, Sunday to do a follow-up and help teachers for one more week.
Friends’ AID would like to appreciate Nickolas Try, and Katherine Lamacraft of VSO for their assistance without whose help things would have been an impossible task.
Here are some pictures .....

posted by Media Officials at 1:15 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Religious Lecturer Sheikh Sameer Arrives Kudafari
Sheikh Sameer, a licensed religious lecturer arrived Kudafari this Thursday, 27th March 2008, to deliver a religious sermon. This is the second sermon sponsored by Friends’ AID to foster the religious spirit and instill religious views to community.
His lecture was at the Community Center of Kudafaree Island at 20:45 hours. It was open to everyone and was attended by more than 160 people.
He mainly focused his lecture on Islamic monotheism but also stressed at the end on social ethics like brother hood, and respecting one another. The function was concluded by a question time for audience to clarify their doubts about Islam.
Here are some pictures from the event...

posted by Media Officials at 1:08 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Meeting with Former SAARC Secretary General
FriendsAid met the Former SAARC Secretary General Mr. Ibrahim Hussain Zaki when he visited Kudafari enroute to Male’ from Kendhikuluhudhoo on 22nd March 2008. He visited the Pre-School and discussed about the Pre-school fund requirements and the Year-Plan 2008. He asked Friends’ AID to send him the proposals and he would extend every possible support from his side.
posted by Media Officials at 4:42 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Works on Effective Teaching and Learning Phase 2 Begins

A teacher training programme for ‘the untrained teachers and as well as those interested in teaching’ island began in Kudafari on 21st March 2008, which was facilitated by the two VSO volunteers. It is the second phase of training by Friends’ AID; the first one took place in January 2008. This programme would last for 7 days till 27th March, 2008. These volunteers would observe classes in the primary section of Kudafaree Madhrasa and submit a report and recommendations to FriendsAid, which will be discussed with the school Management and find ways Friends’ AID could help.
posted by Media Officials at 4:39 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friends’ AID Monthly Meeting
Friends’ AID monthly meeting was held on 18th March 2008, and the objectives achieved of the previous month were discussed. The meeting was attended by the members of Friends’ AID and the government officials from the island. The next month’s programme schedule was disclosed which includes: Primary Teachers Workshop and a religious programme.
posted by Media Officials at 4:38 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Main issues: Money, Medicines, Mosquitoes Mentor

A three member delegation representing Friends’ AID from Noon Kudafari visited the Manadhoo, the capital of Noonu Atoll and met the Atoll Chief Mr. Haleel, and discussed the activity calendar of Friends’ AID and the Atoll Chief was quite pleased to learn of its activities. Regarding the financial assistance, he admitted that he could not help liberally due to lack of budgets but on the other hand promised to help us as much as possible within his limits. Also, he was willing to send letters of recommendation to people who could help us in our activities. Touching on the harbor issue, he said that he has some information from the government but cannot reveal it till the official Atoll Development Committee meeting is over.

Friends’ AID also met up with the Principal Aneesul-Rahman and discussed about the ‘Training camp’ for untrained teachers. He promised to help us in this regard by sending the facilitators. The principal said he would arrange to relieve Sheikh Sameer, the Islam teacher of the school, who is also the licensed person to give religious sermons.

The Atoll hospital officials advised us to wait until the rainy season was over. Otherwise, the fumigation would be unprofitable. When Friends’ AID mooted the issue of differences in the prices of medicines with that sold elsewhere, they said they would look into the matter and get back to us as early as possible. Later in the day, Friends’ AID met with the Manager of the Bank of Maldives and discussed programmes of promoting Banking awareness in the island.

Editor’s note: The above mentioned article was to be posted on 29th February 2008, just after the event, but due to unseen difficulties it is being posted now. As a result of Friends’ AID initiative fumigation was carried on out. Sheikh Sameer, Islam teacher would be in Kudafari to deliver a sermon on 27th March 2008.
posted by Media Officials at 4:35 PM | Permalink | 0 comments